Love being a teacher . . . but hate living paycheck to paycheck?


DECEMBER 9-10, 2023

You’re not alone!

Teachers all over the country are faced with a harsh reality:

They want to keep making a difference in kids’ lives, but they also need to be able to provide for their families.

To make ends meet, many teachers have to:

Sometimes doing both of those things WELL is harder than we realized it would be when we got into this industry.

Because, let’s be honest . . . teachers aren’t exactly bringing in the big bucks!

In fact, even though it’s definitely possible to live comfortably as a teacher, that comfort often only comes when other factors are present.

Some even go the extra route of taking on teaching jobs at international schools . . . especially in countries with a lower cost of living.

Either way, there’s no getting around the fact that teaching (especially if you work in schools that are in low-income areas) comes with an income ceiling that you’d be hard-pressed to break through.

In addition to feeling underpaid, many teachers also feel overworked and underappreciated.

We take our work home — physically, mentally, and emotionally — yet we don’t have the benefit of feeling like society truly values what we do.

What’s so frustrating about that is that we CARE


After all, we didn’t become teachers with the goal of being rich. For the vast majority of us, we became teachers for one reason:

We want to make a difference in kids’ lives and believe that being a teacher is a great way to do that.

Can you relate?

Perhaps you have memories of teachers throughout your life who guided and supported you when you needed it the most.

Or a teacher who sparked and nurtured your love of learning.

Or maybe you had an experience that drove home exactly how empowering it is to have someone speak life and love over you.

Knowing that you have the privilege and the power to not only mold young minds, but to be someone who can inspire them to be better, push harder, and go further in life is a beautiful feeling.

And for that, you deserve all the flowers!

But . . .

Sometimes it can feel like no matter how hard you serve and go to bat for your kids, you can’t help but wish you could do more. That you could serve them on a deeper level.

Especially if you work in a school or district that doesn't exactly shower you with support and resources.

So, here you are . . .
overworked, underpaid, underappreciated . . .
and feeling like you’re meant for more.

It’s the perfect storm for burnout . . .
and it impacts teachers all across the industry.

In fact, in more recent years (especially after the Pandemic-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named), the harsh realities of being a teacher has led to what some may see as a mass exodus, with more and more teachers opting to walk away . . . despite having a genuine love for reaching and teaching the younger generations.

What if I told you there’s a way for you to not only make a bigger impact on the lives of kids in your school (and your community) while also making a good living?

Here's your chance to take professional development training that will actually make a difference in your life — and the lives of the kids you serve!

When you go through our comprehensive Life Coach Certification for Leaders, you don't just walk away with something new to add to your CV; you walk away armed with knowledge, skills, and tools you can use to guide clients of all ages through the ups and downs of life . . . so they have the best chance possible of living up to their full potential.

Imagine how much deeper you can go with guiding, nurturing, and healing your students when you've been professionally trained in not just the academic side, but the behavioral and emotional sides.

This type of holistic support is something that (let's be honest) is missing from so many schools . . . and none more so than schools in low income areas.

If you're anything like me, this hurts your heart and you've been looking for a way to change things. Not just for the kids in your classroom, but for kids in your community (and beyond).

As a Certified Life Coach, you would be empowered to:

Plus, we actively hire Certified Life Coaches from within our ranks to serve our clients . . . many of whom come from underserved communities where this type of service isn’t often provided.

The Life Coach Certification for Leaders is for you if you:

No more feeling like what you do isn’t making a difference.

No more stressing about whether “the kids are okay”.

No more having to depend on second jobs or side gigs to live the way you want to.

This is the kind of continuing education that can actually make a difference . . . and grow your bottom line!

Life Coaching Success Suite

Because we’re committed to helping you build a successful, impactful, and profitable life coaching business, your certification package will also come with:

What Our Students Are Saying?

When you enroll in the Mental and Behavioral Health Life Coach Certification for Leaders Program, you can choose one of two certification paths:

Guided Intensive Training (offered once a year)

Join us at our headquarters in Farmers Branch, Texas for a two-day in-person training followed by a guided virtual training program.

Part 1: Life Coach Foundations Training

During the two-day in-person training, you will join Master Coach LaKendra and her team of trained and certified Adjunct Coaches to learn the foundations of life coaching. undergo an intensive and interactive program that explores all of the foundations of life coaching Together, we will explore our transformational IC.A.R.E Global Heart Model, which is the framework we use to serve our clients on the deepest level possible. At the end of the in-person training, you will walk away with the knowledge, skills, and certification you need to be a generalist life coach.

The lessons we’ll cover include (but are not limited to):

Life Coaching Success Suite

Because we’re committed to helping you build a successful, impactful, and profitable life coaching business, your certification package will also come with:

What Our Students Are Saying?

Part 2: Mental and Behavioral Health Training

Once you complete the in-person portion of your certification, your training will continue as a 3-4 week guided virtual program. You will be paired with one of our trained and certified Adjunct Life Coaches for 1:1 virtual guidance and support. You will also be assigned to a small group of other students so you can collaborate on a group case study that will help you master the life coaching skills . . . and showcase what you learn.

The modules you must complete include:

Online Independent Study

Can’t make it to our headquarters for the in-person training? You can opt for the 100% virtual option instead!

You’ll get full access to our Mental and Behavioral Health Life Coach Certification program and can work through it from the comfort of your own home. You will also be assigned a 1:1 adjunct coach who will guide and support you through the program.

Not only will you have an adjunct coach available for guidance, I (Master Coach LaKendra) will also walk you through our signature iC.A.R.E. Global Heart Model™ (which is the heart and soul of our certification) with you . . . either live via Zoom OR through a pre-recorded session.

The live portion of this training lasts for 14 days, but you have up to 90 days to complete the certification.

Life Coaching Success Suite

Because we’re committed to helping you build a successful, impactful, and profitable life coaching business, your certification package will also come with:

What Our Students Are Saying?


This life coaching certification is for leaders, entrepreneurs, and educators who feel a calling to serve others and want to build a profitable, heart-centered coaching business that leads with love.

No. You just need a passion for helping others, a willingness to learn, and a solid work ethic to work your way through the certification.

This portion of the Certification was designed to equip life coaches with a deeper set of skills so you can help your clients cope with their emotions, identify and challenge negative thinking patterns, improve their relationship skills, and manage their stress and anxiety levels . . . all of which can boost their overall mental health.

It is taught over a span of 3 weeks if you’re enrolled in the Guided Intensive Training. If you’re enrolled in the Online Independent Study, each of the 16 modules (and the bonuses) will be unlocked as you work through the program. You will also be required to complete a group case study in order to move from the Mental Health section into the Behavioral Health section.

If you sign up for the in-person training, you will get details about the event (such as the date and location) as well as any materials you need to get ready.

If you sign up for the online, self-study track, you will receive login information for our online platform (which is hosted by Simplero), as well as a disclosure and pre-work release to fill out. You will be assigned an Adjunct Coach, who will reach out to you within 48 hours to introduce themselves. Once you’ve completed the pre-work, you will get access to Module 1 and can begin working away!

This depends on the track that you sign up for.

If you sign up for the in-person training, the FOUNDATIONS of the life coaching certification will be complete by the end of the 2-day training. You can stop here or continue on to the Mental and Behavioral Health sections.This experience is highly interactive, intense, and fun. At the end of it, you will have completed your Life Coach Certification. You then have the option to continue with 3-4 additional weeks of virtual guided learning for the Mental and Behavioral Health certifications, (as part of your initial investment).

If you sign up for the online, self-study training, the modules can take up to 28 live hours, not including the Vision Board project or Case Study Assessment. Overall, our graduates typically complete the certification process in anywhere from 30-90 days.

You have 90 days to complete your training and submit the requirements for certification.

Access to the course will expire after 91 days. After that, you have the option to regain access by paying a $97 reinstatement fee. Keep in mind that this may delay the issuance of the certificate due to the availability of the iC.A.R.E. Heart Coaching Model.

In order to automatically renew your certification, you must complete a new case study within 3 years of your certification date. If your certification expires before you’re able to recertify, you have the option of paying a $397 recertification fee, in addition to completing a new case study. Our system will send you a notice when your certification is about to expire, but it is your responsibility to reach out to us to get the details about your case study assignment.

We offer a full money-back guarantee for all purchases made on our website within 24 hours of purchase. Once you begin the onboarding process, you will be locked-in. On-boarding begins 24 hours after purchase is made.

You are eligible for a full reimbursement within 24 hours of your purchase. After the 24-hour period, you will no longer be eligible and won’t be able to receive a refund. However, your services are transferable.

We encourage our potential customers to do their research before choosing GIC&E Inc. We are a small company committed to ethical marketing. As a result, we want our customers to make confident buying decisions that make them feel nothing but excitement about what lies ahead. . We do not subject ourselves to pressure sales, which allows our customers to choose our services willingly and passionately.

While we cannot guarantee specific results, we DO guarantee that we will teach you the principles and strategies you need to build a profitable life coaching business. We also actively and eagerly hire life coaches from within our own ranks to not only work with our clients, but within our training program. Our goal goes beyond certifying 1,000,000 life coaches . . . we aim to EMPLOY as many life coaches as possible.

In addition to including a Mental and Behavioral Health Certification, we are also the only life coaching certification in existence that has gone the extra mile of collaborating with the Medicaid system to make it easier for clients in the Texas area to get access to high-quality mental health services.

No, we are not affiliated or partnered with the International Coaching Federation (IFC). As an independent company we believe our values are better suited for hands-on coaches looking to build careers. However, our company IS credentialed by Texas Medical Insurance for Mental and Behavioral Health.


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